James Kent Dudek

Starting Position:

Senior Clerk Typist A, Dramatic Art Department

Current Position:

Business Systems Analyst, Student Affairs Information Technologies (SAIT)

Length of Time on Campus:

23 years

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone just starting their career at UC Berkeley?

Just one?

Get involved in the community by joining a staff organization.

Download org charts from the Berkeley website to see where your unit is in the scheme of things.

Join the Operational Excellence mailing list to keep up to date with all the changes we are going through.

Take a self-guided campus tour.

Eat lunch at the faculty club!

What has been the most exciting project you’ve worked on here? What was the scope and audience it reached?

I've worked on a number of large organizational efforts that have and will impact Cal.  Most recently I was a member of the Operational Excellence Organizational Simplification design team.

Recently I've been working as a strategic initiatives manager in Student Affairs Information Technologies (SAIT)  to help guide the effort to launch the shared services IT work they have been doing. The scope is all of the division of Student Affairs but the audience is not just administrative staff, but students and faculty as well.

Another project I am involved with is a staff organization called the Business Process Analysis Working Group (BPAWG), which I helped create in 2005. It is a community of practice that calls together colleagues from across the campus to gather and share strategies on how to better approach work and projects.

What project/work (piece of technology) are you most looking forward to working on next?

I look forward to continuing my work in SAIT. And I know that changes will keep occurring, and I look forward to meeting those challenges while learning and growing more along the way. Go Bears!